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Chairs in the rain

It’s raining chair legs

Today, we are visiting Greece! Katja Kirmizakis, our guest blogger is introducing this month’s idiom.

The idiom in its original language: Βρέχει καρεκλοπόδαρα (vréchei kareklopódara)

Language: Greek

The idiom’s meaning: (you may have guessed it!) it’s raining cats and dogs

Why chair legs? It may have to do with the shape of a chair leg, long and thin, indicating that the rain coming down is just as thick and heavy as a chair leg. And maybe even as painful if you get caught without an umbrella! But to be honest – just as the image of cats and dogs falling from the sky – maybe it’s just a slightly absurd and funny overreaction to express just how bad the weather is.

Bio: Katja Kirmizakis is a conference interpreter and translator working with German, English and Greek. She is a bilingual native speaker of German and Greek and a professional and experienced generalist, qualified and keen to immerse herself into any specialist field, ranging from business and politics to health, environment and energy.

You can find out more about or contact Katja at

Many thanks to our guest blogger for contributing not with one, but with two idioms of the month.

Do you find idioms fascinating? This article offers some useful background information on what they are and how to use them.

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