Dolmetscherin und Übersetzerin
mit Sitz in London

Mein Service


Mein Angebot umfasst sowohl Konsekutiv- als auch Simultandolmetschen bei Veranstaltungen aller Größen.Ich helfe Ihnen, zu verstehen und verstanden zu werden. Meine berufliche Erfahrung erstreckt sich über verschiedene Themenbereiche wie zum Beispiel Eisenbahnindustrie, Fischerei, Migration und Asyl, Medizin, Europäische Betriebsräte, internationale Beziehungen, EU-Angelegenheiten und sogar Schwimm-Maschinen.

Verhandlungs- dolmetschen

Ich arbeite genauso gern mit kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen wie auch mit Großkonzernen zusammen. Ich unterstütze meine Kunden mit professioneller Verdolmetschung bei internen Teamtreffen, Verkaufsschulungen, Werksbesuchen, Verhandlungen und Vortragsveranstaltungen.Zusätzlich helfe ich Anwaltskanzleien bei der Vorbereitung der Fallunterlagen für Gerichtsverhandlungen. Meinen Geschäftskunden stehe ich bei Veranstaltungen mit verschiedenen Wirtschafts- und Bildungsthemen und einem internationalen Publikum unterstützend zur Seite.


Ich verfüge über die nötige Hard- und Software sowie über Erfahrung im Umgang mit den verschiedenen Plattformen, die beim Ferndolmetschen zum Einsatz kommen.Angesichts von Herausforderungen, die durch Zeitzonen und kulturelle Unterschiede entstehen, sind Anpassungsfähigkeit und Flexibilität enorm wichtig. Meine berufliche Erfahrung und sprachliche Kompetenz ermöglichen die grenzüberschreitende Kommunikation bei hohen Anforderungen.

Gerichts- und Behördendolmetschen

Ich dolmetsche bei Gerichten verschiedener Instanzen, Strafvollzugsanstalten, Patentanhörungen, Anwaltskanzleien sowie bei anderen Behörden, wo Unparteilichkeit, Neutralität sowie Verschwiegenheit an erster Stelle stehen.Darüber hinaus verfüge ich auch über Erfahrung im medizinischen Bereich beim Dolmetschen in Krankenhäusern und psychiatrischen Anstalten sowie in medizinisch-rechtlichen Fällen für Versicherungsansprüche.


Zu meinen Spezialgebieten zählen Reproduktionsmedizin, Fertilität und Gynäkologie.Dazu gehört die fachgerechte Übersetzung von medizinischen Website-Inhalten, Patientenbroschüren, Einverständniserklärungen und Biographien des medizinischen Personals. Um auf dem aktuellen Wissensstand zu bleiben, belege ich Online-Kurse mit medizinischen Inhalten und informiere mich zum Thema in deutschsprachigen Publikationen mit dem Schwerpunkt Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe.


Ich unterstütze gerne Kunden bei der Organisation von Schulungen und Veranstaltungen im mehrsprachigen Umfeld. Dabei stelle ich sicher, dass die Menschen im Vorfeld, während der Veranstaltung und in der Nachbereitung über alle notwendigen Informationen (in den entsprechenden Sprachen) verfügen. Ich arbeite eng mit einem Team von Veranstaltungsexperten zusammen, um sicherzustellen, dass die Teilnehmer eine durchgehend positive Erfahrung haben.


Full Day Package

The Full Day Package includes an interpreting block of up to 8 hours. It's ideal when you need my time commitment to attend your conference, meeting or event in person. I'm happy to travel within the UK and internationally.

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Half Day Package

The Half Day Package includes an interpreting block of up to 4 hours. It's ideal for short face-to-face meetings in London as well as online and telephone conferences. In short, it's the best and cost-effective solution when things can be done quickly or remotely.

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Extended Day Package

The Full Day Package and Half Day Package combined. This option is ideal if additional services are required outside the 8-hour block of the Full Day Package. Choose the All Day Package for comprehensive and time-intensive interpreting support, e.g. during dinner or post-conference networking.

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Premium Package

The Premium Package includes any extra services, such as technology hire, event management support and the translation of printed or online material. It gives you the peace of mind to focus on your meeting or event while I take care of the practicalities.

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Neues vom Blog

🎧 Brain Boost for conference interpreters 🧠

As conference interpreters, our brains are our most valuable tools. The ability to process complex information and articulate thoughts in real time requires peak cognitive function. Yet, many of us unknowingly engage in habits that could potentially compromise our brain health. By making intentional lifestyle choices, we can be proactive and protect our cognitive abilities.

Katharina translated multiple documents for a conference including presentations, proceedings and biographies over a period of several months. The process was seamless and communication was fantastic, so I always knew where I stood on the project and that deadlines would be met.

The end client was delighted with the result, not just the quality of the translation, but also the care and effort that had gone into reproducing non-editable text.

Katharina will continue to be one of my most reliable and trusted translators.

Julia Danmeri, Language services for events people, by events people

“I have worked with Katharina for the best part of this year, mostly on English to German translations, and some German to English translations.

The projects Katharina worked on with us were highly confidential documents with an incredibly tight deadline.

Katharina exceeded expectations on every level and demonstrated high integrity, reliability, and consistent quality throughout our working relationship. I highly recommend getting in touch with her if you are looking for a professional translator.”

Aslam Ibrahim, Managing Consultant at ABL Recruitment

I have worked with Kasia for the last 15 months, utilising her impressive linguistic skills to help make sense of archived documents, many obscure and barely legible, for an academic research project. Equally fluent translating from Polish or German into English – and vice versa when the occasion required – Kasia’s speed, reliability, accuracy and tenacity have been outstanding. She is also great fun to work with! I would not hesitate in recommending Kasia.

Julia Goodwin, Journalist and academic researcher

Over the last 4 years, we have always been satisfied with Katharina and can highly recommend her excellent work. The translations she delivers are accurate and are always of a high standard – even when projects require a quick turnaround. Katharina is always eager to get feedback so that she can continuously improve her writing in order to meet our clients’ needs. We are very glad to have Katharina in our network and can highly recommend her to any organisation looking for German and Polish translation services.

Sarah Fritz, Senior Social Media Manager at agency 2

I was surprised how I could delegate to Katharina – delegating to co-workers is not something I have in the past found/find easy. Working with Katharina I also learned how to negotiate firmly but politely: it is how she negotiates – and I learned a lot from that!

Jefferson Wright, Director at Business Development Professional

You are up there with the best – six years and counting and you also come with two languages. Aside from your honesty, integrity, professionalism with (a lovely touch of good humour), I can also trust that we will have continuity, reliability and positive feedback from my clients.

Vic Kureczko, Director at Linnk Languages

Katharina helped me understand the nuances in the culture of the people she was translating. It gave me a real understanding of the market we were exploring, and our client was thrilled with the insights we managed to source. All thanks to Katharina’s great work.

Thomas Langridge, Video Content Producer at The Value Engineers

Katharina has the incredible ability to be very personable while ensuring that the work is completed in an efficient and professional way. Katharina’s great at working to tight deadlines while remaining very precise in her translations. While other translators let us down with inaccurate timecodes or translations Katharina always gave us great translations and guidelines, we knew we could trust.

Thomas Langridge, Video Content Producer at The Value Engineers

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